#1: Document Settings (these are "local" settings)
These will be applied ONLY to the document in use (unless you hit "Apply to System").
Use the TAB key, , to navigate the menu sections. When you get to a setting you want to change,
"click" using and then arrow up or down. (You can also press down arrow to see the choices.)
You can also get this drop down box from any screen by pressing + , choosing #1 File, arrowing right, and choosing #6 Document Settings.
When you are finished BE SURE to hit Apply to System or OK. If you simply ESC, any changes you have made will be disregarded.
CAS version: On the CAS version, you will have one additional section under Settings called "Unit System" which is very helpful for Physics. |
So, what settings should you choose?
I recommend:
Under "Display Digits:" change to FLOAT 6 (default)
Under "Auto or Approximate" choose AUTO
CAS version: On the CAS version, you will have one additional choice under "Auto or Approximate" stated as EXACT. |
APPROXIMATE means tha answer will be shown as a decimal.
AUTO means the answer will be displayed as "exact" whenever possible.
EXACT (on CAS only) means the answer will be displayed as an "exact" number (not a decimal approximation). |
AUTO on non-CAS version
AUTO on CAS version
The non-CAS version will keep "exact" values that can be expressed in rational form.
The CAS version will keep "exact" values that can be expressed in both rational and irrational forms.
#2: System Settings (these are "global" settings)
These will be applied to the entire system.
Although the System Settings are global, you can still control each individual document with the Document settings.