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Character Functions 

Built-in Library Functions for Character Classifications and Conversion

Required header:  #include <ctype.h>

C++ uses the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character set.  The CTYPE library includes character classification functions.  A character is passed to the functions and the functions return values that can be stored or printed.

Basic ASCII Categories:


ASCII Characters

Uppercase letters  'A' through 'Z'
Lowercase letters 'a' through 'z'
Digits (0 through 9) '0' through '9'
Whitespace Space, tab, line feed(newline), and carriage return
Punctuation  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~
Blank space The blank space character

Most  common CTYPE functions:

1. isalnum( )   returns a TRUE (nonzero) if the argument is digit 0-9, or an alphabetic character (alphnumeric).  Otherwise returns FALSE.
2. isalpha( )  returns TRUE if the argument is an upper or lower case letter.
3. isascii( ) returns TRUE if the integer argument is in the ASCII range 0-127.  Treats 128-255 as non-ASCII.

You should use isascii( ) to verify that an integer value is indeed a valid ASCII character before using any of the functions #4 through #9.

4. isdigit( ) returns TRUE if the argument is a digit 0 - 9
5. isgraph( ) returns TRUE if the argument is any printable character from ASCII 32 to 127, except the space.
6. islower( ) returns TRUE if the argument is a lowercase letter.
7. isupper( ) returns TRUE if the argument is an uppercase leter.
8. ispunct( ) returns TRUE if the argument is any punctuation character (see chart above). 
9. isspace( ) returns TRUE if the argument is a whitespace (see chart above).

The following character functions are conversion functions.

toascii( ) converts the argument (an arbitrary integer) to a valid ASCII character number 0-127.
c = toascii(500);   //c gets number 116
                           // (modulus 500%128)
c = toascii('d');    //c gets number 100
tolower( ) converts the argument (an uppercase ASCII character) to lowercase.
c = tolower('Q');  // c becomes 'q'
toupper( ) converts the argument (a lowercase ASCII character) to uppercase.
c = toupper('q');  //c becomes 'Q'
**Note:  tolower( ) and toupper( ) will actually check to see if the argument is the appropriate uppercase or lowercase before making the conversion.



     You cannot pass an entire string to character functions.  If you want to test the elements of a string, you must pass the string one element at a time.


Note:  Even though these functions' prototypes specify an integer argument, you may pass a single character variable when you call it.  If  you pass an integer to these functions, the functions will act upon the corresponding ASCII character associated with your integer.
 (i.e. int i = 65;  and
  char j = 'A'; are the same.)


The first 128 ASCII characters (0-127) are universal.  Character codes 128-255 may not be available -- check your system!