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remove( ) or rename( ) files


#include <stdio.h>  //required header

The remove( ) and rename( ) functions in the stdio.h library 
can be used to manipulate files.  

The remove( ) function deletes a file from memory.  For example, remove("myfile.dat); deletes myfile.dat from memory.  The remove( ) function requires a C-style string as an argument.  If an apstring type variable is used as an argument, you must engage the .c_str( ) to convert it to a standard C++ string variable.

//Remove a file
#include<stdio.h>     //for remove( ) and rename( )
#include "apstring.cpp"

int main(void)

     apstring fileToDelete;

     cout<<"Enter name of file to delete: ";
     if (remove(fileToDelete.c_str( )) !=0)
           cout<<"Remove operation failed"<<endl;
           cout<<fileToDelete<<" has been removed."<<endl;

return 0;


The rename( ) function takes the name of a file as its argument, and the new name of the file as a second argument.  For example,  rename("myfile.dat", "newfile.dat");  renames the file myfile.dat as newfile.dat.  The rename( ) function also requires C-style string arguments.