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Initializing Multi-Dimensional Arrays


apmatrix variables are declared in a similar manner to apvector variables, but they work with two arguments:  the number of rows, followed by the number of columns.

//declare a matrix of doubles with 5 rows and 3 columns
apmatrix <double> table(5 , 3);

You can add a third argument when declaring matrices.
This "fill" value must be of the same "type" as the matrix variables.

//declare and fill matrix with astericks
apmatrix  <char> stars(2, 80, '*');

Instead of the length( ) function we saw in the apvector class, the apmatrix class provides two functions for accessing the dimensions of a matrix:  numrows( ) and numcols( ).  These member functions of the apmatrix class are called using "dot" notation.
(Notice the use of the nested loops.)

//function to return the sum of the elements in the matrix "table"
int AddElements(const apmatrix<int> &table)
      int nRows = table.numrows( );
      int nCols = table.numcols( );
      int row, col, sum = 0;
      for(row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
             for(col = 0; col < nCols; col++)
                    sum += table[row][col];
     return sum;

As with one-dimensional arrays, matrices can be filled one element at a time after declaration, by assignment or by user input.  Here is an example with user input.  (Notice the nested loops.)

apmatrix<int> ClubScores(4 , 5);      // declaring the 2-D array
int rows, columns;
for (rows = 0; rows < 4; rows++)     // loop for establishing the rows
       for (columns =0; columns < 5; columns++)     // loop for the columns
             cout << "Please enter a score ===> ";
             cin >> ClubScores[rows] [columns];

Printing Multi-dimensional Arrays 
Nested loops are also used to print a matrix:

apmatrix<int> ClubScores(4 , 5); 
int rows, columns;
for (rows = 0; rows < 4; rows++)
       for (columns =0; columns < 5; columns++)
                  cout << ClubScores[rows] [columns] << " "; // put in spaces between..
       }                                                                                    // columns when printing
      cout << endl;       // a new line is needed to go to the next row