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Member functions of the apstring class


length( )  - returns the number of characters contained within the string.
 - does not include the null character at the end of the string.
 - largest string length is 1024.

apstring name = "Alexis";
cout<< name.length( );  // will display 6


substr(x, y)  - returns the part of the string that starts at position x and is y characters long.
 - remember that array subscripts begin at zero.

apstring word = "reaction";
cout<<word.substr(2,3);  // will display act


find(somestring)  - returns the position (number) of the first occurrence of somestring in the string.

apstring name = "Frederick";
cout<<name.find("red");   // will display 1


find(somechar)  - returns the position (number) of the first occurrence of somechar in your string.

apstring word = "roadrunner";
cout<<word.find('e');   // will display 8


c_str( )  - returns a C-style (not C++) string needed when using strings with functions from other libraries.

apstring number;
cout<< "Please enter one integer ";
cin >> number;
cout<< number << " times three will be "<< 3 * atoi(number.c_str( ) );



Operator member functions of
apstring class


Concatenation puts two strings together so that the second string follows immediately after the first string.  When used with numbers, + means add, but when used with strings, + means concatenate.

apstring firstword = "apple";
apstring secondword = "fritter";
cout<< firstword + secondword;   //will show applefritter


It is possible to concatenate one string onto the end of another string.
Remember:  x += y means x = x + y.

apstring firstword = "Wally";
apstring secondword = "Dog";
apstring newword = " "; 

newword += firstword;
newword += " ";
newword += secondword;

cout<<newword;   //  will display Wally Dog


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